Luxor Full Day East-West

Язык Арабский, Английский, индонезийский
Стоимость 77 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Our guide will pick you up from your hotel in Luxor by a modern air-conditioned vehicle ,you will move to visit the West Bank, You come from sun, sand and rugged mountainside you enter: the phenomenal Valley of the Kings (home of 65 tombs of the kings of 18th to 22nd dynasties) then Explore the magnificent Temple of Queen Hatshepsut and surrounding tombs. (She ruled over Egypt for 19 years as a king). Marvel at Colossi of Memnon, The massive pair of statues remains of the temple of Amenophis III. Visit the east bank and get your Egyptian lunch, Afterwards you will visit Luxor temple (was built by the kings of the middle and the new kingdom). Visit the Temple of Karnak, More than a temple, a spectacular religious complex built on a gigantic scale, (the largest complex of temples in Egypt originally attached to Luxor temple by an avenue of sphinxes). It is an impressive sight, and second only to the Great Pyramids in popularity. This temple contains some remarkably preserved painted walls and many awe-inspiring pillars and obelisks, where you can lose yourself wandering around the stone papyrus columns.. Transfer to Your Hotel.

Price For One Person is 75 USD From 2 To 9 Persons


• •Entrance fees to all the sites mentioned in the itinerary.

• •All tour as mentioned with a professional tour guide (specialist in Egyptology)

• •A modern air-con tourist car with professional driver who stays with the car all the time.

• •Luggage transfer if needed.

• •Luggage storage if needed.

• •All transfers as mentioned in the above proposal.

• •Pick up services from your hotel & return.

• •Lunch meal at local restaurant.

• •Bottled water on board the vehicle during the tour.

• •All taxes & service charge.


• •Drinks from any kind other than mineral drinking water during tours.

• •Gratuities (tipping the guide and the driver)

• •Any extras not mentioned in the itinerary

• •Personal spending


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