Day Tours to Philae Temple Unfinished Obelisk And High Dam

Язык Арабский, Английский, индонезийский, Испанский
Стоимость 55 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

At 8:00 am Our expert Licensed Tour guide will pick you up from your hotel or Nile cruise or even from the airport in Aswan to enjoy a day tour in the amazing city of Aswan Start your tour by a visit to the High Dam, an engineering miracle built in 1960 protecting Egypt from annual floods from the Nile. Then proceed to visit the Unfinished Obelisk which shows the techniques used by the ancient Egyptians to cut obelisks. Most probably this obelisk belongs to Queen Hatshepsut, one of the rulers of the 18th Dynasty and the royal wife of king Tuthmosis II. This queen was the owner of her Temple in the eastern bank of Luxor Also there is an opinion said that it belongs to Queen Nefertiti. Move on to visit the majestic Philae Temple which was built in the honor of Goddess Isis the chief deity of the island. Later you will be transferred back to your hotel.

Returns to original departure point

Departure Point:

Aswan hotels or Port area

Departure Time:

9:00am (later departures are available until 2:00pm if required, please advise at time of booking)

Hotel pickups commence prior to this time, you must contact the local service provider to verify your exact pick up time.


8 hours (approx.)


o Qualified Egyptologist guide

o Hotel/port pickup and drop off


o Entrance fees

· Gratuities (recommended)

· Food and drinks, unless specified

· Tipping.

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