Poonhill Trek -4 days

Язык Английский, хинди, непальский
Стоимость 175 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 4 дня

The Poon Hill Trek is a popular trekking route in the Annapurna region of Nepal. It is known for its breathtaking panoramic views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges, including the iconic fishtail-shaped Machapuchare peak. The trek is relatively short and doesn't require extensive trekking experience, making it suitable for trekkers of various fitness levels.

Best Time to Trek:

The best time to undertake the Poon Hill Trek is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons when the weather is relatively stable, and the views are clear. During these months, the rhododendron forests are in full bloom, adding to the scenic beauty.

The Poon Hill Trek typically takes around 4 to 5 days, depending on the starting and ending points chosen by trekkers. The trek can be customized to include side trips or extensions.

The Poon Hill Trek is a great option for those looking to experience the beauty of the Himalayas without committing to a long and strenuous trek. The relatively low elevation of Poon Hill (3,210 meters or 10,532 feet) also makes it accessible to a wide range of trekkers.

Details itinerary:-

Day 1:- Drive to Pokhara and stay overnight at Pokhara

Day 2:- Drive to Ulleri/Banthati and trek to Ghorepani

Day 3:- Hike to Poonhill to see sunrise view

and trek to Banthati/Ulleri and drive

back to Pokhara.

Dau 4- Drive back to Kathmandu.

{Note- we can skip Pokhara stay as client's wants}


1) Trekking guide's wages.

2) All kind of transportation, accomodation

and food of Guide during trekking.

3) Service charge.

4) Trekking permit and TIMS card.

5) Insurance of staff.


1) All kind of food and accomodation of


2) All kind of transportation cost of guest.

3) Tips for staff( Porter/Guide).

4) Insurance of guest.

* Price is per person 175$ if one person if 2 or more then lets us contact with us.


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