Dipendra Paudel - местный частный тур гид в странах Непал, Индия

A professional trekking guide and trekking/tour operater for whole Nepal. Specially to Everest region, Annapurna region, Kanchanjunga region and many more through out Nepal where ever you like to explore.

Языки Английский, хинди, непальский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Непальская рупия (NPR), Фунт стерлингов (GBP)

Экскурсии (12)

Отзывы Туристов (2)

Teja Bennet
20 ЯНВ 2024
We just finished our family tour to Nepal with DEEPEN and his company. Deepen is a highly experienced and friendly tour guide who leads his company with exceptional services. He is multilingual, professional, and an expert in his field. Our Nepal experience with him and his company was fantastic, and we highly recommend choosing him as your guide for travel in Nepal, particularly for tours and trekking activities.
We feel very lucky to have such a funny, witty and knowledgeable guide during our Nepal tour.
Teja & Rupali
Sujuka Alii
20 ЯНВ 2024
An Excellent Journey with Our Annapurna Circuit Trekking Guide Deepen.

I recently had the pleasure of embarking on the Annapurna Circuit trek, and I cannot express enough gratitude for the exceptional experience facilitated by our trekking guide. From start to finish, our guide demonstrated unparalleled professionalism, expertise, and a genuine passion for the trekking adventure.
Our trekking guide's knowledge of the Annapurna Circuit was truly impressive. They seamlessly navigated through the challenging terrain, ensuring our safety while providing insightful information about the local culture, flora, and fauna. Their familiarity with the trail allowed us to maximize our time and take in the breathtaking scenery without any concerns.
Communication is key during a trek, and our guide excelled in this aspect. Fluent in English and possessing excellent interpersonal skills, they fostered a warm and inclusive atmosphere within the group. Whether explaining the day's itinerary, sharing anecdotes, or answering our myriad of questions, our guide always communicated with enthusiasm and clarity.

So for your better experience i highly recommend Dipendra(Deepen) as your guide.
Sujaka Ali
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