Mt Kailash Yatra- 10 Days

Язык Английский, хинди, непальский
Стоимость 2200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 3 дня

Trekking around Mount Kailash is a spiritually significant and physically demanding journey. Located in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, Mount Kailash is considered sacred by several religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Bon. The traditional trek around Mount Kailash is known as the Kailash Kora or Kailash Parikrama and takes approximately three days to complete. However, the overall trip duration may vary depending on your travel arrangements and acclimatization needs. Here's a suggested itinerary for a 10-day trek around Mount Kailash:

Details Itinerary:-

Day 01- Drive to Timure from Kathmandu

Day02- Drive to Kerung

Day03- Drive to Saga

Day04- Drive to Manasarovar with

Manasarovar lake parikrama

Day05- Drive to Yamadwar and trek to

Derapukh( Some people back to

Darchin who unable to go further)

Day06- Reserve day( Puja & Snaan at the

morning and drive to Darchin

Day07- Trek to Zuthulpuk via Dolma-La


Day08- Drive back to Saga

Day09- Drive back to Timure/Border.

Day10- Drive back to Kathmandu.

For more details leave a message us.


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