Angkor Wat 3 day tours

Language English
Cost 310 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of more than 10 people

Day-1 : ( Full day Tour-Siem Reap)

Morning We visit Angkor Thom, the side of the ancient of the Khmer period, visit South gate, Bayon temple, Bapoun temple, Royal enclossure, Phimean akas, Terrace of Elephent, and terrace of Leper King. After noon angkor wat

Day-2 : (Full day Tour-Siem Reap)

Morning: Visit Banteay Srey Temple the way to countryside, Prea Rup Temple , Afternoon, Ta Prohm Temple

Day3: Siem Reap Tour

Visit Beng mealea temple , Airtisen school and floating village


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