Berat - The unique town of 'One thousand & one...... windows'

Language Albanian, English, Greek (modern)
Cost 320 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 8 hours

Magic is real, you can feel it in the air. It is so old, over 2500 years old. It has a proper name, it's called Berat.

The town is surrounded by hills and mountains, which gives the impression of a "Huge Amphitheater" where the "local gladiators" are living in peace with Mother Nature.

Magic continues once you enter inside the Fortress overlooking the town, built by Illyrian Masters with big blocks of stone, which looks like a big "stage of a movie" from the ancient times. The locals are still living in their own little houses with small gardens where they grow fresh fruits and vegetables.

Down the hill, the cobble street lead the way to the heart of the Magic, the Mangalemi neighborhood. This is a rare example of an architectural character typical of the Ottoman period.

And then there's the The Medieval quarter, Gorica neighborhood with the stone bridge and more and more to visit in the town.

I think I've said a lot, I don't like to ruin this magic, let's go and explore it together….


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