Diamante the city of Murals and Chili Peppers

Language English, Italian, Spanish
Cost 125 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of more than 10 people
Duration 4 hours

Diamante is a beautiful little village on the Tyrrenian sea, it dates back to the XVII century and is known for being one of the most interesting painted village in Italy.

During the 80's almost 100 painters artists were invited to Diamante to express their creativity on the house walls. Since than the city has came into the limelight and more artists contributed to the murals: paintings today are more than 250.

I usually show almost 80 murals per tour.

The city is known also for being the city of the Chili Pepper Festival of Diamante, at the end of the tour a tasting of Chili Peppers products and a walk an the beautiful seapromenade


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