Language English
Cost 1100 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of more than 10 people
Duration 8 hours

The Inca trail is one choice jewel of the treks in Perú,Cusco: : close proximity of high snowcapped peaks, hanging valleys, deep gorges and broad wide expanses of Andean highland plateau, cloud forest and semidry Andean valleys. We will trek a section of the original Inka Trail to Machu Picchu and have a chance to see the different ecosystems and archaeological sites. Plus, the train rides to and from Machu Picchu along the Canyon of the Urubamba River, are thrilling and impressive treat unto themselves.

We Provide and Include: Itinerary transport roundtrip from Cusco-Licensed, Bilingual, history and naturalist Tour Guides-All Itinerary Meals, including vegetarian & snacks, Safety orientation and Equipment for optional activities-First Aid kit and Oxygen-Tour specific Sleeping bags, air mattresses and Expedition grade tents-Dining tent, Cook & Services, staff, Porters 02 perperson-Ecological, portable toilets-All Entrance Tickets-Bus up and down for Machu Picchu-Pre-purchased Return Train connections to Cusco.optional hikes in Machu picchu and Huayna picchu mountains and the Intipunku Inca trail

Difficulty of the trek: easy to moderate , good physical conditions.

Day 1: Distance: 10km, Altitude: 2570 to 2850 mts, hours 5, camping 2850 mts

Day 2: Distance: 8km, Altitude: 2850 to 3850 mts, hours 5, camping 3850mts

Day 3: Distance: 14km, Altitude: 3850 to 3950 to 4221 mts, hours 8, camping 3650mts

Day 4: Distance: 9km, Altitude: 3650 to 2450 mts, hours 7 ,hotel 2060mts

Day 5: Distance: 7km, Altitude: 2060 to 2450 to 3000 mts, hours 7, back to Cusco 3300mts.

Ecosystems: Scrub bush vegetation, Andean semi dry forest, cloud forest, inter Andean valleys. Grass land, alpine, glaciers.

Highlights: Some Inca remains. High biodiversity, flora, fauna. Ancient Inca road, sacred mountains, amazing landscape.

Climate: The temperature varies in between 2ºC,morning ,night to 20ºC,middle day to 25ºC day.mountain climate, sunny to cloudy,windy.

Note: For adjusting to tour altitude, we suggest one day tours like the Sacred Valley, River Rafting and the City Tour of Cusco. As Guides we offer 100% Gauranteed Information, for your sensibilities – about the best specific hotel rooms and services around Peru, like extra windows and other amenities.


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