Architectural monuments of the Mir and Nesvizh

Language Belarusian, English, Russian
Cost 40 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of more than 10 people
Duration 10 hours

In this amazing and informative excursion you will be given the opportunity to come into contact with the history of such noble families as Ilinichi, Radziwilli, Sapieha, Svyatopolk-Mirskie as close as possible. To feel the taste of Nesvizh, as well as to touch the most ancient and beautiful churches of Belarus (the Church of St. Nicholas in the town of Mir, the Church of the Body of God in Nesvizh). In general, in this excursion you will be introduced to the World (in a narrow and broad sense) in all its greatness and diversity. And try after that say that there is nothing in Belarus!


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