Upper City tour - historical Salvador

Language Dutch, English, French, Portuguese
Cost 105 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 4 hours

Discover the history and most important places of this fascinating city.

On this tour you will know the most important places of Salvador and learn about the history of the first capital of the colony of Brazil. We will see some of the touristical highlights of the city, such as: the Lighthouse of Barra, with a splendid view on the Bay of All Saints and the Atlantic Ocean, the Corridor of Victoria bordered by ancient trees, the Campo Grande square and a busy commercial area. We then arrive in the Historical Center, called so after the UNESCO made it a World Heritage Site. This place is a must for the visitors: a complete old neighbourhood, called the Pelourinho, in the Upper City inside the bay, full of churches and magnificent colorful mansions in typical Portuguese colonial style that we will visit walking through the lively squares and cobblestone streets experiencing the local atmosphere and people that will not let you impassive. A strong suggestion is to visit the church of São Francisco, a real jewel with its fantastic Baroque interior covered by gold leaves.

Note: the price is shown as for one person but is also valid for 2 persons. For families or small groups, please contact me so I can make an excellent proposal for you!


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