Full Day City Tour - complete Salvador

Language Dutch, English, French, Portuguese
Cost 190 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 8 hours

Combine the Upper and Lower City tours into this most interesting excursion!

The best way to experience the city of Salvador, visit its old center, dive into its history, culture, religiosity and the habits of the people of Bahia and to let you being seduced by the magic of this city, is to combine the Upper City and Lower City tours into one Full Day tour. That will give you the opportunity to lunch in one of the cozy restaurants in the Pelourinho e taste one the delicious regional dishes, such as the “moqueca”, a stew of fish and or seafood prepared in the African way!

This tour offers you an unforgettable experience with success guaranteed!

For more details and the itinerary, take a look at the descriptions of the Upper and Lower City tours!

Note: the price is shown as for one person but is also valid for 2 persons. For families or small groups, please contact me so I can make an excellent proposal for you!


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