Mtskheta - Uflistsikhe

Language English, Georgian, German, Italian, Russian
Cost 160 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 6 hours

The monastery of Jvari (6-7 century, where Aragvi and Kura merge and the monastery that describes Lermontov in Mtsyri), the city of Mtskheta and the cathedral of Svetitskhoveli (where the chiton of Christ is buried and therefore this place is called the second Jerusalem), the trading rivers of the old city, The temple of Samtavro (the holy relics of St. Gabriel of Salons, a temple of the 11th century). --- The next stop is the cave town Uplistsikhe, if you are interested in the Stalin Museum, we can stop on the road in the town of Gori, where he was born, and then continue the path of the cave city.

Uplistsikhe was founded in the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, but was actively populated and elevated to the rank of the city and an active political and cultural center in the 3rd century. BC. Then we return to Tbilisi, if you want to have lunch on the way.


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