Оne day tour "Ancient Kyiv Rus" (duration 6 hours, 120 USD)

Language English
Cost 120 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 6 hours

Go around the whole city without a car in a day is very difficult. I offer you a combined tour. Use my car and walk. I propose a price of $20 an hour. Using a car more safe and comfortable. Also you can leave buying gifts in the car, no need to carry them with you. Besides I can show you the whole city in less time.

I offer you the following tours:

Оne day tour "Ancient Kyiv Rus" (duration 6 hours, 120 USD)

I will show you:

1) Kyiv Pechersk Lavra (duration 1.0 hour)

2) Monument to the Mother Motherland, Museum of the Great Patriotic War (duration 1.0 hour)

3) Peoples' Friendship Arch, Glass Bridge (duration 1.0 hour)

4) St. Andrew's Church, famous tourist street Andrenvsky Descent. Next is the Podil district, where there are many cafes and restaurants (we can have lunch).

(duration 1.5 hours)

5) St. Sophia Cathedral, Golden Gate, St. Michael's Monastery, Khreschatyk street (duration 1.5 hours)

When it’s warm, we can take a boat trip along the Dnieper River (Instead of any of the excursions described above, duration 1.5 hours)

Note: Tour time includes travel time by car.

Price includes:

Transportation in Nissan X-Trail and parking fee

Professional guiding service

Free Wi-Fi in the car

Price excludes:



Attraction tickets.


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