6 Days Meru National Park and Samburu National Reserve Kenya Adventure Safari

Language English, Swahili
Cost 1256 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 6 days

Tour Programs

Day 1


Arrive at JKIA and be received by our office representatives who assist you in the clearing, loads your luggage into a van and drives you to a city hotel booked on a bed and breakfast. Depending on the time of arrival you can choose to get involved in optional activities in Nairobi such as a visit to Giraffe Center, David Sheldric orphanage Karen Blixen Museum or a guided city walk or tour with a guide. Or choose to relax in your hotel awaiting safari the following day.

Day 2


After breakfast transfer by road to Meru National Park arriving in our camp or lodge in time for lunch. After lunch go for the first game drive in Meru National Park. Return to the camp or lodge for dinner and overnight

Day 3


After breakfast explore meru National Park in a full day game drive. Opt to return to the camp for lunch or carry packed lunch. Meru National Park is wild and beautiful. Straddling the equator and bisected by 13 rivers and numerous mountain-fed streams, it is an especially beautiful area of Kenya. This is a pity, because it has all the essential ingredients for a classic safari destination, with some fine accommodation, excellent prospects for seeing lions and rhinos, and a landscape that incorporates Hemingway-esque green hills, arid, Tsavo-like savannah and fast-flowing streams bordered by riverine forests, baobab trees and doum palms. The advantage of being one of Kenya's best-kept secrets is plain to see – you're likely to have much of it all to yourself. Return to the camp or lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 4


After breakfast depart by road to Samburu Game Reserve located on the banks of the Ewaso Nyiro Rriver on the other side of the river is the Buffalo Springs National Reserve in Northern Kenya. Arrive in time for lunch at our camp or lodge. Relax before heading out for your first game drive at Samburu National Reserve. Dinner and overnight at our camp or lodge.

Day 5


Explore Samburu National Park in a full day game drive. The reserve is reach in wildlife with fame for abundance in rare northern specialist species such as the Grevy Zebra, Somali Ostrich, Reticulated Giraffe, Gerenuk and the Beisa Oryx (Also referred as Samburu Special). The reserve is also popular with a minimum of 900 elephants. Large predators such as the Lion, Leopard and Cheetah are an important attraction (Kamunyak the Miracle Lioness that adapted the baby Oryx is a resident in the reserve). Wild dog sightings are also a common attraction to this unique protected area. Birdlife is abundant with over 450 species recorded. Birds of the arid northern bush country are augmented by a number of riverine forest species. Lesser Kestrel and the Taita Falcon are species of global conservation concern and they both utilize the reserve. Five species categorized as vulnerable have recorded in the reserve. These are African Darter, Great Egret, White-headed Vulture, Martial Eagle and the Yellow-billed Ox-pecker. Critically endangered species under CITIES – Pancake tortoise (malacochersus tornieri) is found in the reserve. Lunch dinner and overnight will be at the camp or lodge.

Day 6


After breakfast leaves the park for Nairobi with lunch en route. Arrive in the late afternoon and be dropped at the airport to catch your flight back home, city hotel or residence.



• Transport on a 4 by 4 safari van either minivan or Land cruiser Safari van

• Park entrance fees at Aberdare and Ol Pejeta Conservacy

• Services of an English Speaking guide throughout the safari

• Meals as indicated in the itinerary above

• Nairobi accommodation on arrival date

• Airport and hotel transfers

• Drinking water while on safari


• International flights

• Cost for extra activities in Nairobi such as a visit to Giraffe Center, David Sheldrick, Guided city walk/tour, Karen Blixen on arrival date

• Travel insurances and medical covers

• Alcoholic and soft drinks

• Guide tips

• Anything not in the itinerary

• Easter and Christmas Supplements


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