Walking tour in Budapest

Language English
Cost 200 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 10 people
Duration 4 hours

This 4-hour walking tour with a friendly private guide will provide you with an overview of Hungarian history and culture. While visiting the outstanding sights of Budapest, walking in the City Park, Andrássy Avenue, exploring the downtown area and the Castle District, your guide will share with you not only historical facts, but also insiders' stories about the city.

The tour starts at your hotel and will take you to the Heroes’ Square, where the statues provide brilliant illustrations of Hungarian history, continue to the City Park with a romantic castle and lake, the Széchenyi Bath’s entrance hall with beautiful decorations, where you will learn about the thermal baths of Budapest. You will enjoy coffee and cake in one of the cafés on the elegant Andrássy Avenue, next to the Opera, while discussing about the vivid culture of coffeehouses in the 1900s’. After visiting the St.Stephen Basilica with its unique altar and relic we take a bus to the Castle Hill on Buda. Crossing the Chain Bridge you will be amazed by the Danube, the bridges and their stories, how they were built and rebuilt in the previous centuries. In the Castle District you will hear the fascinating history of the Royal Palace and the Matthias Church with its coloured roof. You will enjoy the splendid view of Parliament and the buildings of Pest, while staring out from Fishermen’s Bastion. This tour will provide you with an insight into Hungarian history and culture, while enjoying the vibrant downtown area in Pest and the graceful Castle Hill, learning about Hungarians, the past and present of the capital.


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