JEWISH TOUR – Tradition and modernity

Language English
Cost 125 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 3 hours

During this three-hour private tour through Budapest’s Jewish quarter, your guide will introduce you to the history of Jews in Hungary while you explore the district’s hidden cloisters and acclaimed sights alike.

The tour includes a visit to the the monumental Dohány Street synagogue as well as the the Rumbach Sebestyén Street synagogue, which is only a few streets away and currently under renovation. One of the highlights of the tour, and a genuine architectural treasure, is a secluded orthodox synagogue built in the Art Nouveau style.

The tour will give you the chance to learn about the rapid growth and prosperity of the Jewish community of Budapest in the nineteenth century, and how their financial activity and influence affected Hungarian business, culture, and everyday life at the time. You’ll also learn about the perilous period that followed - World War II, the Holocaust, and the Soviet occupation of Hungary were all major blows that irreversibly changed life for Hungarian Jews.

The tour includes architectural delights too - charming passages, arcades and a ruin pub whose interior is reminiscent of 1970s Hungary all make for excellent photographic material. The tour ends with a mouthwatering slice of traditional Jewish cake in a cafe, and the opportunity to ask questions and get insider tips about Budapest from your guide.


- Get picked up from where you are staying

- Dohány Street Synagogue and Jewish Museum

- Rumbach Sebestyén Synagogue (outside only)

- Kazinczy Street Synagogue

- Holocaust Memorial

- Ghetto Memorial Wall

- Ruin bar (farmer’s market on Sundays!)

- Café (cake and coffee included)

- Passage with cafés and bars

Included in the price:

- Professional tour guide (with a special license for the synagogues)

- Entrance tickets to the synagogues

- Cake and coffee


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