Market walking Tour

Language English
Cost 110 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 3 hours

Meet at regal Cinema at 4pm .On route to your first stop, chat to your guide, most likely a college student from Mumbai’s poor Dharavi district who leads tours to help finance their studies.

First, head for South Mumbai's best-known market: Crawford Market. Built during the British Raj in 1871, this imposing Gothic-Romanesque market hall is brim with fresh produce and craft stalls.

Dive into the throngs, and soak in the sights, sounds, and scents as you pass stands of vegetables, cheeses, homemade chocolate, and exotic goodies.

Browse and buy with tips from your guide before continuing to the Kalbadevi and Bhuleshwar bazaars. Roam the vibrant, shop-lined lanes, inhaling the heady aromas of Indian spices, and break here for a soda or tea.

Next, delve into Mangaldas Market, a mini-town of fabric, tailoring, and fashion shops. Explore the lanes of brightly colored silks and fabrics, and perhaps place an order at a tailoring shop for a hand-made garment.

Then, see the 18th-century Mumbadevi Temple and Bombay Panjrapole animal shelter before hitting Mumbai’s Flower Alley, a lane packed with vivid flower displays.

Your tour ends in the Bhuleshwar district, when we depart.


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