Tour to Khinalig - 5000 years old village

Language English, Russian, Turkish
Cost 240 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 12 hours

This tour will last approximately 12 hours. During the tour we will visit ancient Azerbaijan village Khinalig, Minare waterfall, Gachrash forests and cold springs. You will see interesting views, forests, mountains, rivers and ways which lead to the village.

Khinalig - it is the oldest settlement in Azerbaijan situated on the northern slope of the Main Caucasian Ridge at an altitude of 2100-2200 m. above sea level. The residents of the village consider themselves as direct descendants of the biblical Noah. History of Khinalig is dating back more than 5000 years. For many centuries this village was cut off from civilization by hard-to-reach mountains with dangerous rocky cliffs.

Nowadays there are about 380 houses, which are 200-300 years old. The houses are built closely: the roof of one house serves as a patio for another located above, it happened because of steep slopes surrounding village.

Inhabitants of Khinalig retained their traditional way of life, culture & original language.


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