3 Days tour to Son-Kul Lake

Language English, Kyrgyz, Russian, Turkish
Cost 700 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 3 days

That tour includes one of the beautiful valley of Kyrgyzstan called Kegety Valley, Burana Tower the minareth of ancient city Balasagun and one of the beautiful and popular lakes is Son-Kul Lake with staiyng in traditional nomadic yurt and riding horses

The itinarary starts from Bishkek

The Programme is;

Day 1:Trip to Son-Kul Lake 3000m on the way visit Kegety valley with waterfall 2200m, Burana Tower, Ortotokoi reservoir.

Staying in yurtcamp

Day 2: Horseriding to the mountains and lake

After lunch of tradinional cuisine the car trip to the best views for Son-Kul Lake.

Staying in yurtcamp

Day3: Trip to Bishkek on the way visit 32 pass 3500m, Son-Kul waterfall, Karatal National Park, Dolon Pass 3050m, Kara Unkur Canyon

Approx 19:00 riching Bishkek


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