Discover great monuments and heroes who have marked the History of Cameroon in and out of the National Museum.

Language English, French
Cost 350 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 4 people
Duration 8 hours

A day City tour visiting Historical monuments, statues, edifices of colonial and National interest like the monuments of Réunification, independence, Charles Atangana, Dr. Eugene Jamot , the Loraine cross , Colonial cemetery, Missionary Religious edifices , Cathedral, Basilica.....Help you discover why Yaounde is called the citadel of Christianity, a City of hospitality and also why some streets and quarters own their names, then finally we shall visit the National Museum which has been the residence of two important personalities in Cameroon. Here, you can come closer to all the History of Cameroon from the Colonial, to post Colonial period and you will also discover the diverse cultures in Cameroon of more than 250 ethnic groups classified into four main cultural zones all displayed in terms of habitat, traditional dressing style, musical instruments, kitchen utensils , great Cameroonian stars, local spices and raw materials for local drinks production,….there is just a lot to discover as to what concern the different cultures and History of Cameroon not forgetting great heroes who did remarkable things in Cameroon. To be noted: Price include the following ; *.A bottle of water, lunch, driver , transportation in air conditioning car, fuel, admission ticket, guiding fee. *Price does not include; Snacks, drinks, cameras, or photos shooting in the Museum. * Availability : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday and Saturday . I will be waiting for your message and do not hesitate to let me know if you have more preferences to be added to your tour. Optional ; Experience a traditional dance display . Thank you.


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