Walking tour in Pirita

Language English
Cost 120 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 3 hours

Pirita is a very special and unique place.

-The tour starts in front of the monastery's ruins. Estonia is blessed for Virgin Mary and my country's second name is Virgin Mary land. - So why was and still is this monastery so important for us?

- The next place where we walk is in front of the Olympic center. In 1980, sailing competitions took place here, in Pirita, but Olympic Games were in Moscow.

- Some brave people have a connection with Estonia. Who they are and which connection? I will tell you.

- After that, if you haven't met Lenin or Stalin in your lifetime, so I will introduce them to you.

- Our newest memorial is for 22 000 communism victims, we will go them there.

- Maybe, maybe you know, who was crazy Irish and what happened with him. So we will visit his "memorial" also.

If you really like walking, this tour will be for you.


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