Jewish Budapest

Language English, German, Hungarian
Cost 130 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 4 hours

If you would like to get a personal experience about Hungarian Jewish culture and heritage sights including three synagogues, don’t skip this tour! We will start our tour near the Deák square, in the city centre. You will learn about the history of the Jewish district and life of the Jewish community. We will walk through Király street, you will hear about the former Budapest ghetto, Jewish memories, nice buildings, Jewish life in the 19-20. century. We will visit the Kazinczy synagogue, and I will show you where the only working mikve is located. We can visit the largest synagogue of Europe in Dohány street, I have the permission from the Hungarian Jewish Community to guide inside the building, I show you the Heroes’ Temple from outside and the monument commemorating the victims of WW2, the Martirs' Cemetery, the Raoul Wallenberg Memorial Park, the Tree of Life, the "Righteous Among the Nations" Memorial, the Hungarian Jewish Museum you will visit with audioguide. We will see the synagogue in Rumbach street from outside as it is still under reconstruction. I will tell you the stories how people could survive this terrible period. We will stop in an authentical Jewish café where you can taste a traditional Jewish cake.


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