Bali Cooking Class

Language English
Cost 45 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 5 hours

Join the Cooking Class in Bali for the ultimate native experience in Indonesia. Learn how to make nine traditional Balinese meals from scratch and enjoy a buffet feast at the end of the program. The activity will begin with a trip to a local market, where you will have the opportunity to shop like a local and select the freshest products on your own!

Meeting Point

At your hotel

09:00 AM


The driver will pick you up at your hotel at mentioned schedule

09:30 AM

On the spot of cooking class venue ( Balinese Traditional house )

The participants will be explained about dish recipe, the ingredients, and how to cook.

Then continued by cooking the mentioned dish with professional chef.

12:00 PM

Having Lunch

Enjoy the dish that your cooked recently.

01:30 PM

Photo session

After cooking and enjoying your lunch, it's time to have some memorable picture at Balinese Traditional House compound.

02:00 PM

Return to your hotel

Return to your accommodation

02:30 PM

End of the tour

Arrive at your accommodation.

Ending Point

At your hotel


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