Experience Cotonou, Ouidah, Ganvie,Abomey in a trip

Language English, French, Spanish, Yoruba
Cost 457 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 4 days

Discover the traditions and cultures of the voodoo capital of the world. Learn about their lifestyle and the local cultural wealth. Explore Benin and enjoy the varied landscapes of the country.

We shall take a tour of the town of   Ouidah the spiritual capital of voodoo religion and was once a major slave-trading post. You will see major slave-trading post. You will visit the Voodoo Museum, the Sacred Forest, the Cathedral and the Temple of the sacred Pythons where you will see the 41 writhing pythons (41 is voodoo’s magic number). The python temple and the slave root and the museum of slave history.


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