3-Days Sightseeing And Cultural Tour To Porto-Novo, Cotonou, And Abomey

Language English, French, Spanish
Cost 300 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 4 people
Duration 3 days

Enjoy a 3-day Sightseeing and Cultural tour to Porto-Novo, Cotonou, and Abomey cities in Benin. visit the Dantokpa market; the biggest market of West Africa and enjoy an art walk at the artisanal center in Cotonou, where you can see art and interact with the artists and get them to make something special for you or even make an art piece together with them. Discover rhythms and dances of Benin, see local people performing those dances, and join them for a quick dance class and a transcendent and joyful moment.


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