Full Day Tour : Safari Game Drive and Safari With The Lions

Language English, French, Spanish
Cost 1250 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 4 people
Duration 7 hours

Leave our meeting location for the Safari Game Drive . Upon arrival in Bandia Animals Reserve .We will embark in a 4X4 with 60 miles to cover ,looking for the most emblematic animals of Africa : Giraffes , zebras , Rhino, Derby and Cap eland ,impalas and so on

At Ranch de Bandia ,we will board in a iron fenced protected 4x4 for an half hour tour to meet the lions in their homestead .

The pictures are good illustration of the Safari with the lions will be

Price :

What's included

An air conditioned car to join Bandia and back to ending location

A four wheel to tour Bandia Animals Reserve

Bandia entrance fee

A 4x4 for the Safari with the lions

Customers entrance fee for the Safari with the lions

What's Extra




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