Yangon and Environs

Language English
Cost 50 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 6 hours

Yangon is the economic capital of Myanmar and there are lots of attraction near it.

Just 21 km(13 miles) away is Thanlyin(Syriam) which locates right across the Bago river to the east of Yangon. The town was once a center of power to the ancient Mon kindom and sea port. Tourist sites in Thanlyin are the ruin of old portuguese church, Kyaik Khauk pagoda, Thanlyin bridge and national ethnic village.

Continue to Kyauk Tan which is famous for its Kyaik Hmaw Wun mid-stream pagoda. This prominent landmark was founded in the middle of tidal river where visitors need to take ferries to get there.

Service Includes: Private English speaking guide

Service excludes: Transportation, meals, entrance fees, tips and personal use.


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