Private Dubai City Tour incl Frame ticket

Language English, German
Cost 150 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 5 hours

Your guide will collect you from your hotel / cruise ship in a comfortable Mini Van/SUV or Sedan. The tour is private, which allows you to be flexible and spontaneous. You will meet the locals and have time to do a little shopping in the Souqs. Your guide will give you insider tips and detailed info about Dubai's interesting past, present and exciting future. Key points of the tour are photo stops at: Dubai Marina, Palm Jumeirah and Burj Al Arab. Always nice is a visit to the textile market. After a short Creek crossing by Abra, you can wonder around in the traditional spice market and the Gold Souq. After a visit to the observation deck of the spectacular Dubai Frame, the tour concludes back at your hotel / cruise ship or at Dubai Mall upon your request.


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