PALIO! the horse race

Language English
Cost 200 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 3 hours

If you want to visit Siena and focus on this ancient tradition this is a must-do tour!

In the company of your local qualified guide you will discover all the rules and secrets of this marvel of Italy. You will enjoy and understand how things happen in the main square during the crazy days of the race, we will visit one of the 17 contrade (districts) and will see the stable of the horse, the headquarter, their beloved museum of victories, and will listen to stories, traditions, and curiosities of the locals. We won't miss the private little church of the Contrada and finally enjoy a yummy cookie tasting in one of the oldest bakeries in town! For more details send me a message, I'm happy to plan your special private tour according to your needs.

The price mentioned is total for the tour and NOT per person.


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