Ghana 10 Days Forest Birding & Wildlife Tour.

Language English
Cost 2500 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 1 week 3 days

Scan the Southern part of Ghana for amazing Forest Endemics of West African Birds and many more incredible species of core African Birds as well as Mammals.

Tour Plan:.........

Day 1… Arrival in Accra Ghana.

Akwaaba (Welcome to Ghana).

Day 2… Shai Hills Reserve - Sakumono Lagoon – Winneba Plains.

Day 3 - 5… Kakum National Park (Canopy Walkway) - Abrafo Forest - Antwikwaa Forest and Surroundings.

Day 5 - 6… Nsuta Reserve Forest.

Day 7… Ankasa Rain Forest

Day 8… Ankasa Forest - Brenu Beach Road.

Day 9… Abrafo Forest - Picathartes Site.

Day 10… Bobiri Forest & Butterfly Sanctuary – Atewa Forest.

Day 11… Atewa Range Forest Reserve – To Accra – To the Airport.

Tour Concludes


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