Excursion in Moscow: Red Square, Kremlin , Armory Chamber, Patriarcal Chambers, Kremlin Square

Language English, Russian
Cost 199 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 5 hours

The main monuments of Russia such as Red Square with Saint Basil Cathedral and priceless exhibits of the Arms Chamber are waiting for you on a tour of the Moscow Kremlin. This walk from the first minutes immerses you in the history of Russia. Here, every pavement stone has historical value. A personal guide will tell you about the royal dynasties and the great feats of the Russian people.

You will also visit The Patriarchal Chambers with the Church of the Twelve Apostles is the abode of the Russian Patriarchs, in the Cross Chamber of which meetings of synods were held, and today there is a museum with ancient exhibits.

Apart from that you will be guided through the Cathedral Square of Kremlin and told a wonderful story about its ancient buildings!


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