Bukhar - Silk Road station

Language English, Russian
Cost 90 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 5 hours

Bukhara is one of the museum-cities under the open sky with about 140 middle age architecture of mosques, bazaars, minarets with majestic brick work , mosaic and majolica tiles. It was one of the cities on the junction off the Silk Road and still you feel the city as one of the craft, trade and cultural point in modern Silk Road. If you come to Bukhara you understand why the main motto of Bukharians is Heart with Allah and hands in work. Welcome to Bukhara!

During a day - tour you visit such architectural monuments as Samanids mausoleum- 9-10 cc, Chashma Ayub mausoleum, Bolo havz mosque, the Ark fort, Poi Kalon complex, trading domes -16c, Magoki Attari mosque-12c, Labi havz complex and jewish neighborhood.


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