Langtang Trek

Language Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish
Cost 887 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 1 week 3 days

LANGTANG KYANJING GOMPA TREK: Located in “Langtang Region of Nepal”, Langtang valley is framed by the spectacular snow-clad peaks on a backdrop of towering mountains marvels with the unexpected supper beauty compilation rich flora & fauna, eye-catching glimpses of waterfalls tumbling from the top of the hill, fiery rivers with hard waves and joyful sounds perfectly matched with the adorable culture, tradition, religion of the highly respected Tamang community with their unwavering passion and respect for their culture and religion.

Beginning with, the drive from Kathmandu to Syabru Bensi, which takes to the Langtang Kyanjing Gompa trek. This trek gains elevation as we make the way along the Langtang Khola, first through traditional, ethnic Tamang heritage villages. This trek offers an opportunity to explore villages, climb small peaks, and visit glaciers. This region falls into Langtang National Park, which offers pine forest, rhododendron, bamboo forests on the higher reaches of the trek, swift mountain streams, rugged rock, and snow-capped peaks, grassy downs, and meadows strewn with daisies and wild animals.

Apart from the natural beauty that ignites the ecstasy, and energy for the nature lovers like natural elixir, the Langtang valley trek in Nepal with Kyanjing immerses the trekkers in the rich culture, religion ingrained in Tibetan Buddhism exploring the monasteries, stupas, chortens draped with fluttering prayer flags spreading the message of peace and harmony

Every destination in this trail has a calm setting and positive energy rinsing a soul with the joy of traveling and the friendly Sherpa village of Kyanjing Gompa, where you will experience the spiritual lifestyle of dedicated Buddhist monks who perform their rituals in a beautiful Monastery. Stopping by the lovely settlements with stone-patched houses gives the fundamental experience of life in the Himalayas.

Day 1Arrival in Kathmandu (1,300m), transfer to hotel

Day 2Drive From Kathmandu to Syabrubesi (1,550m): 145km/7 hours' drive

Day 3Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel (2,380m): 5/6 hours trek

Day 4Lama Hotel to Langtang village (3,430m): 6/7 hours trek

Day 5Langtang village to Kyanjin Gompa (3,870m): 3/4 hours trek

Day 6Day trip to Tserko Ri (4,945m) and back to Kyanjin Gompa (3,870m): 7/8 hours trek

Day 7Kyanjin Gompa to Lama Hotel (2,380m) : 5/6 hours trek

Day 8Lama Hotel to Syabrubesi 4/5 hours trek

Day 9Drive back to Kathmandu. 6/7 hours drive

Day 10Final departure

Cost Includes

Airport pick up and drop by private vehicle

TIMS Card (Trekkers Information Management System),

Three meals a day (Breakfasts/Lunch/Dinners) with three cups of tea or coffee a day,

Tea house accommodation during the trek

English speaking guide

Accommodation, Food, Salary


Medicine for all staff, Medikit

Porter service (1 porter between 2 people basic)

Snickers Chocolate for each person during the trek

Snacks such as Oreo cookies and peanut biscuits etc.

Langtang National park entry permits

Two-night accommodation in Kathmandu with breakfast

Trip certificate

Member and guide

Kathmandu to Sybru Beshi by bus

Syabrubesi To Kathmandu by Bus

Airport Transfer

All government and local taxes

Company Duffel bag and a t-shirt. Duffel bag during the trip

Cost Excludes

Lunch and dinner during your stay in Kathmandu

Travel medical insurance and emergency evacuation cost

Nepal entry visa fee, International airfare

Personal equipment

Tips for guide and porter (Tipping is expected)

Personal expenses such as Alcoholic beverages, hot shower, water bottle, cold drinks, hot water, battery charge, donation, etc

Any other expenses which are not mentioned in the price include the section

Trip Highlights

Local village and Monastries

View of Ganesh-Langtang to Jugal Himal range

Forest of beautiful rhododendron, pine and first tree lines

Scenic View of mountains


Trekking Pole/ Stick

Nepal Sim Card

Overland T-Shirt


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