Buzkashi Games From Tashkent - Feel Spirit Of Nomads

Language English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish
Cost 230 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 6 hours

Only when you see this game live can you feel the excitement and spirit of nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples. And most importantly, only after seeing this game can you understand why our peoples do not have a tradition of standing in line ))))

Route: Tashkent - Syrdarya/Ferghana Valley (depends on where game will organize)

Included: - Escort guide. - A/C vehicle. - Water. - All Fees and Taxes.

Recommended: comfortable & warm clothes by the reason that games organize only open areas.

Needed: lunch-box or some snacks


- Tashkent: Pick-up from your hotel / airport / railway station and route directly to Syrdarya province or Tashkent region or one of the provinces of Ferghana Valley.

- Game: Game starts at 9-10-11, it is depend on organozators for this reason it is important dedicate one day. Our guide will explain everything about this game and help you establish a dialogue with local fans, where you can see very honest and friendly people.

- Back to Tashkent, drop-off in your hotel / railway station / airport.

Note: We can also arrange this trip from Samarkand. In this case route will be:

Samarkand - Shakhrisabz/Urgut/Jizzakh - Samarkand


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