Shakhrisabz One Day Tour From Samarkand

Language English, French, German, Russian, Spanish
Cost 230 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 6 hours

"Motherland of Great Tamerlan". You will see that not without reason was named "Green City".

Samarkand - Shakhrisabz (80 km, ±1.30 hours)

Departure: Samarkand (hotel/airport/railway station)

Route: Samarkand - Takhtakaracha Pass - Shakhrisabz - Samarkand

Duration: 5-6 hours

Description: Departure at 08:00 from Samarkand (the time can be changed to 08:30 or 09:00 but not later than 09:00, except for train passengers).

Included: Professional escort guide. Round trip comfortable transport.

- Takhtakaracha Pass: stop for Panoramic view from ±1600 m. In addition you can see many restaurants here that cook only lamb on clay ovens which is a local traditional dish and was a favorite food of Tamerlan .

- Shakhrisabz: Tamerlane's hometown where by his order was built the largest residence in Central Asia from which today remain only the ruins of a huge entrance portal.

- Aksaray Residence

- Dorut Tilovat Complex (the mausoleum of Tamerlane's

mentor and father)

- Dorus Saodat Complex (the mausoleum of

Tamerlane's beloved son)

- Crypt of Tamerlan. The place where Timur himself also should have been buried, but sudden death forced the heirs to be buried in Samarkand, but Timur prepared a crypt for himself that has still been preserved but without burial.

Arrival in Samarkand (hotel/airport/railway station).


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