Lost Paradise - Aral Sea

Language English, Russian
Cost 650 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 2 days

In those days you will be able to get acquainted with one of the most amazing places in the region and see with your own eyes one of the examples of environmental disasters. This program allows you to feel the spirit of the "Great Desert" and its unpredictability and the "Great Sea" and its catastrophe. You will witness places that are not without reason was named as "Cemetery of Ships" and "Grand Canyons of Uzbekistan"

*price depends on the number of tourists

Included: 4x4 A/C vehicle. Meals 4 times during the tour (1 Breakfast, 2 Lunch, 1 Dinner) - 1 Night in Yurt Camp

Departure at 09:00 from Nukus city (the arrival point is not displayed on the map)

It takes 7 hours drive with stops to the Yurt Camp at the Aral Sea (±400 km).

Route: Nukus - Mizdakhan complex – Kungrad – Muynak (lunch) – Uchsay village – Aral Sea (dried part - up seabed) – Ustyurt Plateau – Aral Sea (Yurt camp, dinner, night in Yurt)


Day 1.

- Mizdakhan complex: City of deaths, one of the places where formed a huge number of mausoleums, in addition many traditions of the pre Islamic period can still be seen here.

- Muynak: National cuisine lunch in Karakalpak family. Visiting Cemetery of ships and Ecological museum of Muynak.

- Aral Sea (up seabed): we will pass along the up seabed of the Aral Sea itself, You can see, touch, walk and feel the disaster of Aral Sea, because there's no water here.

- Aral Sea: while dinner is cooked on open fire, travelers may enjoy swimming and hiking, relax in a company at the camp fire, and after dinner explore the milky way in the clearsky. (the arrival point is not displayed on the map)

Night in Yurt Camp

Day 2.

Breakfast and departure

It takes 8 hours drive towards Nukus (±400 km). Approximate time of arrival 17:00

Route: Aral Sea – Davlatgirey caravanserai (Kurgancha kala) – Ustyurt Plateau – Sudochie lake – Kungrad (lunch) – Nukus


- Davlatgirey caravanserai (Kurgancha kala): an abandoned trading caravanserai

- Ustyurt Plateau: mysterious and inscrutable Ustyurt Plateau a place where you can see the "Grand Canyons" of Uzbekistan but with white shades. Furthemore, along the way, you can see several cemeteries of local Nomads.

- Sudochie Lake: The lake is a key stop on the long way of migrating birds: pink flamingo, white swans, duck and others. For this reason it's a favorite place for hunters.

- Kungrad: On the way, in Kungrad area we will make a picnic lunch.

- Nukus: Arrival to Hotel / Airport / Railway Station

Useful tips: Protective hiking boots or sport shoes and long trousers are recommended along with cap or hat. Sunglasses could be helpful as well. Warm jacket is needed in early spring and late autumn seasons. The sea is safe for swimming, so swimming suits could be an option. The fresh shower is available in the camp to wash up the sea salt and mud. There is no mobile or Internet connection; however, there is a telephone for local communication available in the car and at the Camp. There is also electric power at the camp to charge your devices. Karakalpak cuisine is usually based on beef or lamb meat or fish, may contain rice, wheat or sorgo dough and many vegetables. Make sure to let us know if you prefer vegetarian cuisine or have any other preferences.


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