Coastal road and wadis

Language English
Cost 445 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 10 hours

Your guide will meet you at your hotel in Muscat and you will drive along the coast firstly to Wadi Shab. Here you will take a short boat ride before walking through the verdant wadi towards the crystal, clear pools where you can swim. The highlight of a visit to Wadi Shab is swimming into a cave and discovering a waterfall hidden within. After exploring Wadi Shab you will continue to the entrance of neighbouring Wadi Tiwi which is another spectacularly deep and narrow gorge full of lush plantations of dates and bananas.

Your return journey to Muscat will take you past Bimmah Sinkhole which is a natural limestone depression filled with a pool of turquoise water which reaches a depth of 20m. It’s possible to swim here if you choose.

Return to Muscat.


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