Half Day Pretoria City Private Guided tour

Language English
Cost 1980 ZAR for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 5 hours

Experience the rich cultural heritage of South Africa's Capital City on a day trip.

During this tour you will learn about Pretoria, a lovely and quiet city that has a long, involved and fascinating history.

Also known as Tshwane, it is South Africa's administrative capital, serving as the seat of the executive branch of government, and as the host to all foreign embassies to South Africa.

Meet friendly locals, learn about the vibrant history, and immerse yourself in the colorful atmosphere of this fascinating city. Pretoria has a beauty all of its own, and the slow pace of life is regarded as a bonus by its residents. You will discover a land of contrasts and encounters that will leave you inspired and enriched. Pretoria showcases our culture and history with many monuments and museums, giving visitors a special insight into what has shaped South Africa and her people.


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