Mt batur sunrise trekking

Language English, French
Cost 57 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 8 hours


Sign up for an early morning trek of Mount Batur and stand atop the tall summit for an unforgettable view of the sun rising over the sleeping island of Bali. Before leaving, savour a delicious breakfast cooked with the steam of the volcano!

Whether you’re Hindu or not, a trip to Mount Batur in Bali is a must!. Get picked up from your hotel and embark upon a (super) early morning tour. Brace yourself for a tough climb up steep slopes to reach the 1717-yard summit! All the while being assisted by a professional English-speaking tour guide, pick up interesting facts about this active volcano!

Once at the top, watch the sunrise over the sleeping island of Bali! Offering unmatched views, this experience is a visual treat like none other. But don’t head back already, stick around for a quick breakfast atop Mount Batur, cooked by your mountain guide using the active volcano’s steam! On your way back to the hotel, get off at a traditional Bali coffee processing plant to witness how Balinese coffee is made. Gaze out at the tropical plantations, sample some of the local herbal tea, coffee and the unusually-processed Coffee Luwak, the most expensive coffee in the world!


Hike up the famous Mount Batur for the perfect Bali sunrise view and visit the volcanic crater

Relish a delectable breakfast cooked by your mountain guide using the steam of the volcano.


01.40 – 02.30 AM

Pick up time (depend on your hotel location).

03.45 AM

Arrival at starting point of Mount Batur.

06.15 AM

Arrival at the summit of Mount Batur Bali (sunrise point).

07.00 AM

Continue our trek around the entire crater of Mount Batur.

08.00 AM

Begin our descent to the finishing point of our trek.

09.00 AM

Arrival at finish point and board car.

10.00 AM

Stop off at a Balinese Coffee plantation.

11.30 AM

Leave coffee plantation & go back to your hotel.


Transportation by Air-conditioned vehicle

Breakfast, Bottled water and Flashlights

Experienced Mount Batur trekking guide

All entrance ticket

Tips (optional)

Ps : (Price are for one person

Extra charge if you are alone )


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