TANZANIA unforgettable

Language English
Cost 200 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 5 hours

Marangu Gate (6000 ft) – Mandara Hut (9,000 ft), Hiking/Ascent time: 3 – 4 hours

Habitat: Montane forest

Day 1: After breakfast Leave Moshi town at 08:30 am, and drive to about 45 minutes to Marangu Gate on the eastern side of Kilimanjaro. Do the necessary paperwork at the park gate such as registrations. Begin hiking at about 9:30AM. Hike through rainforest from the park gate (6000 ft) to Mandara Hut (9000 ft), taking about 3 – 4 hours. Stop half way for lunch. Reach Mandara Huts at about 01:00pm. After short tour at Mandara you will have go to the Hut for evening meal and overnight.

Day 2: On the way back, on a side trip to Maundi Crater (about 15 minutes away) is a good way to see the surroundings as well as views of Kenya and Northern Tanzania


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