Greatest Churches

Language English
Cost 50 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 4 hours

-Hagia Sophia (Currently serves as a Mosque.)

-Hagia Irine

-Cathedral of the Holy Spirit

-Saint Antoine

When it comes to my tour, I believe that it is extremely important for my guests to understand the timeline. Besides the timeline they should consider thinking with their own cultural history. So, they can understand the whole picture. In order to provide this perspective, I try to provide a timeline including my guests National History so when I talk about it they can relate to it.

On the other hand Istanbul is a beautiful city with many diffrent structers from many empires, naturally this happens with an evolution I try to make sure where it all started and how it has evolved until today.

With all of this, I intend to make sure this tour provides a unique timeline of Istanbul’s habits including; culinary,art, architecture and social culture etc.

And of course with a kind and gentle attitude.



-Private Guide

-Skipline Pass (No waiting required except for Hagia Sophia[A skipline is not allowed with the latest decission by the authorities.])

*****According to Tourism Authorities;if you are attenting to this tour with less than 4 people please expect to pay the Minimum Amount required by the Law.

*****All tours will be on after the agreement of Tourist and Tourist Guide signed, required by law from the Tourism Authorities.


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