Sarnath Walking Tours

Language English
Cost 25 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 3 hours

Sarnath is situated at a distance of 10 km from Varanasi easily accessible by any conveyance. This is one of the holiest Buddhist sites in the world, Sarnath famous as the place where Gautama Buddha delivered his first sermon. From then to the 12th Century CE (Nearly 1700 Years), it remained a centre for great learning, a place of pilgrimage and a Vihara (Monastery) for monks and scholars.

It is one of the most holy sites as it is believed that in this place the stream of the Buddha’s teaching first flowed. Sarnath was a renowned school of learning from the 6th century BC to the 12th century AD.

Visit the ruins, the stupa, the Buddhist temple & the museum. At the museum is the Ashok Pillar with its four guardian lions, used as independent India’s national emblem.

The Mulagandhakuti Vihara Buddhist temple at Sarnath is one of the temples built by the Sri Lankan Mahabodhi Society in 1931. It is the place where Lord Buddha had spent his first rainy season. The walls of this temple have beautiful frescoes depicting the life of the Buddha.

It is located near to the Mulagandhakuti Vihara Buddhist temple, called as the holy Bodhi vriksha. It is the most holy place for the people of Buddhist religion as Lord Buddha had attained his enlightenment here beneath the tree. It is planted at the Sarnath by the founder of Maha Bodhi Society of India (Sri Devamitta Dhammapala) on 12th of November in 1931 by taking a branch from the real Sri Maha Bodhi tree of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.

Dhamekh Stupa is the place where Lord Buddha had given his first conversation of Dharma. It is made up of brick in a solid and cylindrical shape of height 43.6 m and diameter of 28 m. It was founded by the king Ashoka in the 249 BCE. It was rebuilt during 5th century when modifications were added. It is also called the Dharma Chakra Stupa.

Our TukTuks will be ready for the pick up at your hotel and it will drive for approximately 30-40 minutes to reach Sarnath. Our Guide will report at the Mulagandhakuti Temple and take you inside of the temple to explain the beautiful frescoes painting pertaining to the life of Lord Buddha.

Next to Mulagandhakuti temple; we will visit the holy Bodhi Tree which is considered the most sacred tree in Buddhism. They would walk for 300mtr. towards the excavation site of Buddhist monasteries and two famous stupas.

There is a famous Archaeological Museum at the Sarnath built for placing and protecting the historical things very safely as an ancient antique. It has various ancient objects from the Buddhist arts, images of Hindu Gods, etc.

In our last leg of journey; we will visit A big Buddha Statue located at the Thai Buddha vihara of height 80 ft. It is considered as the tallest standing Buddha statue at Sarnath. It was built originally of stone over 14 years during the Indo-Thai joint effort.


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