Discovery the Indry tour

Language English
Cost 1400 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 4 people
Duration 5 days

Tour description:

Antananarivo, Moramanga, Andasibe national park, Antananarivo

Day 1: Arrive at airport international of antananarivo

Overnight in the hotel

Day 2: Antananarivo, Andasibe national park

After breakfast in the morning, your driver he will pick you up on your hotel,then going to Andasibe national park. The road from tana to Andasibe is a picturesque but very windy and busy road, but it will take about 4 hours half by car. You will be heading east from the high plateaux region to a much more humid part of the country with primary forest. Lakes and rivers, the East is where most tropical fruit are grown in madagascar and also where most of the rainforest can be found, with their famous inhabitants such as lemurs and chameleon. On the way you will stop to visit peyrieras reserve is a must nature lovers, in this private reptile park you will take a guide to visit and see many species of Chameleon and insects endemic to the region as well as having the chance to see lemurs up close. Creature such as the tomato frog, tenrec and tree boa as well as gecko are cared for here and you will learn all about the illegal trade in this animal and their vulnerability, you might also have the get up close and personal with one of the beautiful coloured chameleon which are almost impossible to see in the wild. Not the wildlife is mostly caged here, after the visit you will continue to Andsibe but you will pass to Moramanga and you will stop for lunch. After lunch continue to Andsibe and settle into your hotel.

Overnight in the hotel

Day 3: Visit Andsibe national park

After breakfast in the morning, your driver he will pick you up in your hotel going to Andasibe national park to meet with the local guide. In the park is the perfect way to start your day know for it's population of the Indry or babakoto, babakoto mean father of koto. This stroll will give you another great chance to spot these unique creature with their mesmering song. In addition to the Indry, you may also see wolly lemurs, grey bamboo lemurs, red fronted lemurs, black and white ruffed lemurs and diademed Sifaka. Then after your visit you back to in your hotel to have lunch, and in the afternoon you will going to visit Vakona reserve or lemurs Island. But in that time you will have opportunity close views some lemurs and plays with lemurs.

Overnight in the hotel

Day 4: Andasibe national park, Antananarivo

After breakfast in the morning, your driver he will pick you up in your the continue drive back to the same road to Antananarivo.

Overnight in the hotel

Day 5: Transfer to the airport international of antananarivo


* Airport transfer

* Bed and breakfast

* Fueld for the car

* The park ticket fee

* Car with the driver

* The guide fee

* Tax


* Dinner

* Lunch

* Tips

* Extra


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