Mardi Himal Trek

Language English
Cost 499 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 1 week 1 day

Mardi Himal Trek is the most amusing trip for travelers beginning their trekking expeditions. This additional trekking trail is less crowded with compare to other existing trekking trail but holds on considerable exclusive attractions to astonish trekkers in a limited timeframe. Meanwhile, it’s gaining popularity as trekkers visit more off-beaten routes. Above all, the spectacular panorama of Annapurna South, Gangapurna, Annapurna III, Fishtail/Machhapuchhre, Hiunchuli, and Mardi Himal is a spectacle from the Viewpoint.

This trek’s unique charm is the attractive view of sunrise and sunset along the mightiest peaks. Likewise, one can undergo the lifestyle of local people and their cultures in several ethnic settlements. Consequently, it is a great short escape into the Himalayas’ lap to make a refreshing trip to cherish. Also, this trip is perfect for beginner adventurers to flourish in their trekking experience in Nepal.


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