Pokhara City Tour

Language English
Cost 310 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 3 days

Pokhara’s serene beauty has been the subject of inspiration for many travelers and writers. Its pristine air, spectacular view of snowy peaks, blue lakes and greenery around make it ‘the jewel in the Himalaya’. A place of remarkable natural disposition. With the magnificent Annapurna range forming the backdrop and the serenity of the clump of 9 lakes with three major ones - Phewa, Begnas and Rupa – Pokhara is a premium destination for a weekend getaway as well as a long relaxing holiday. Pokhara Valley also known as gateway to the Annapurna region where many a trekker finds his Shangri-la, sits high on the list of ‘must visit’ places in Nepal.


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