2 Days Tigray rock-hewn churches tour -from Mekelle Ethiopia, Africa

Language English
Cost 300 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 2 days

Day 1 pick you up from air port /hotel/ any places in Mekelle, then departure to Hawzan on the way you will visit the churches of Mikalle Imba ( requres a 20 min walk and a short ladder), the easily accessible churches of Wukro Chirkos and Abrha We Atsbha over night Hawzan /hotel/.

Day 2 Visit Abuna Yemata Guhar, a monolithic church situated at height of 2580M (8,460ft) and Maryam Korkor both Churches requires a challenging about 1-2 hours hike and climb. then drive bake to Mekelle.


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