Llanganuco Lakes full day tours

Language English, Spanish
Cost 25 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 10 hours

Depart at 9am, takes place our office in Huaraz, depart north huaraz to Llanganuco Lakes, which are located between the mountains of Huascaran and Huandoy. Passing by several typical villages enjoying the beautiful white mountains of Huandoy, Huascaran, Hualcan, Copa and others, make a photo-stop from the various viewing points on the way. continue to Carhuaz 2650masl, Yungay the buried city holds history; a 7-degree earthquake took place in 31 May 1970. guided visit will take you around one hour, start ascending the dusty road up to Llanganuco Lakes. visit the lakes Orconcocha and bird watching, Chinacocha Lake, here take alternative activities such as sailing with small boats, back to the countryside typical restaurant for lunch by their own, We come back the same way to Yungay then drive back to Huaraz, arriving at around 6pm to our terminal of Bus Station


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