The Santa Fé de Antioquia private tour

Language English, Hungarian, Spanish
Cost 79 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 7 hours

Get out from the city to the colorful historical countryside of the region: we visit Santa Fé de Antioquia, the region's old capital founded in 1541 by Jorge Robledo as Villa de Santafé on the western bank of the Cauca River. Our first stop is at the Puente del Occidente, or the Old Hanging Bridge at the Cauca River, which is a remarkable testament to engineering prowess and architectural beauty, built in the late 19th century. We walk across the bridge and try the regions typical fruit, the tamarind.

Later we head to the historical center of Santa Fé: we have a walk in the old town which is a living museum, with cobblestone streets, whitewashed buildings with wooden balconies, centuries-old churches, museums, charming plazas and a picturesque main square. We eat lunch and have a nice coffee. In the afternoon we drive back to Medellín.

Minimum number of travelers: 2. In case of more people, the price per person is less. Contact me for more details.


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