Baku Old City Exploration

Language Arabic, English, French, German, Hebrew (modern), Italian, Persian (Farsi), Russian, Spanish, Turkish
Cost 100 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 3 hours

Immerse yourself in Baku's history with us! Under the guidance of an experienced guide, explore the Old City with its gems: the Maiden Tower, the Shirvanshahs' Palace, and the rich historical legacy, including mosques, minarets, and caravanserais. Learn why the Caspian Sea shore was chosen for Baku's construction, how secret roads were developed for its defense, and decipher the architectural features of these remarkable

Book your unique adventure today to immerse yourself in an enchanting and exciting journey through Azerbaijan with us! #experiencethebest

(Please feel free to contact us to discuss the price per person)


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